Liverpool will be playing in a new kit and under new manufacturers after their deal with Adidas was confirmedAdidas will be Liverpool's kit partner once again after a multi-year deal was confirmed.
(Image: Photo by Alex Livesey/Getty Images)
Liverpool and kit partner Adidas will reunite for the start of next season after their partnership was confirmed on Monday.
Since ending their association with Adidas, Liverpool have had the likes of Warrior and New Balance produce their kits and other goods.
With the Nike chapter closing at the end of July, the ECHO has looked back on some of the iconic Liverpool kits during their association with Adidas.
(Image: Photo by Chris Coleman/Manchester United via Getty Images)1 of 102006-08 home kitAfter a 10-year break from Adidas, Liverpool reignited their relationship in 2006 with a new range of kits from the iconic brand.
(Image: Photo by Phil Cole/Getty Images)2 of 101995-96 home kitAdidas were on a roll with their Liverpool kits in 1995 and they were prepared to take risks.
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