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Last minute bids, secret meetings and how Liverpool's greatest victory unfolded

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Mention of Rome’s Stadio Olimpico, Istanbul’s Ataturk Stadium, Madrid’s Wanda Metropolitano and even Wolverhampton’s Molineux (scene of not one but two title-winning victories) will always bring smiles to the faces of Liverpudlians of certain vintages.


The Royal Courts of Justice in Holborn, central London may seem to some a curious inclusion on such a list.

Yet, along with the similarly incongruous surroundings of a repurposed office block in a business park in Birchwood near Warrington, it can stand alongside any football ground as being the setting for as important a victory as Liverpool Football Club have ever - and will ever - have.

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It feels scarcely credible given the progress of the last half decade which has seen LFC return to the top of the domestic, European and global game but 10 years this ago this week the club was the basket case of English football and facing a fight for its very existence.

A little over three and a half years after their arrival, the execrable ownership of Tom Hicks and George Gillett was reaching its tortuous and messy end-game, with the country’s most successful and globally revered club on the brink of bankruptcy.

The Americans’ promises of a bright new era on the field, a sparking new stadium on Stanley Park and, most significantly, no leveraged debt on the club as a result of their takeover had proved to be as worthless as their claims on arrival as understanding the weighty responsibilities of their roles as “guardians of this storied franchise”.


Only three months after their February 2007 takeover, the owners had walked around the pitch before the Champions League final in Athens against AC Milan drinking in the adulation of fans who believed the club would now be able to punch its weight in the new footballing economic landscape distorted by the arrival of oligarch Roman Abramovich at Chelsea earlier in the decade.

Yet by the following morning the first alarm bells would start ringing as, in the aftermath of defeat to the Istanbul-avenging Italians, Rafa Benitez raised concerns over transfer promises not being met.

Despite the arrival of club-record signing Fernando Torres that summer as part of a £40m+ spend which included Ryan Babel, Yossi Benayoun and Lucas Leiva, before 2007 was out Liverpool supporters would be marching in protest against the club owners after their public undermining of Benitez and growing concerns over the debt they had heaped on the club despite assurances to the contrary that their takeover had not been structured that way.


By the time October 2010 arrived, Liverpool Football Club was in the midst of a full blown civil war.

Despite Benitez and his squad admirably keeping the club competitive in the first two full seasons of Hicks and Gillett’s reign, the wheels well and truly came over after the title near miss of 2008/09 when a points tally of 86 in a campaign which only Liverpool only lost two Premier League was not enough to see off a Manchester United side at the peak of their powers under Alex Ferguson and who won a third title on the bounce.

Benitez was sacked in May 2010 after the club missed out on Champions League qualification and was replaced by Roy Hodgson, who had just got Fulham into the Europa League final.


It was not an appointment that inspired fans although in truth was probably as good a figure as the club could attract at the time, such was the level of uncertainty behind the scenes.

Hicks and Gillett were no longer speaking and regularly briefing against each other through the media, while CEO Rick Parry - another to fall foul of the owners - had been replaced by Christian Purslow, who had initially been appointed in June 2009 with a priority to renegotiate the outstanding £350m loan the club had outstanding with Royal Bank of Scotland as a result of the leveraged takeover but who was rapidly taking an increased role in football matters despite little or no experience.

With the club’s better players leaving - Javier Mascherano signed for Barcelona days into the new season - or showing signs of wanting to (Torres’ body language spoke volumes and he too would depart within months), Liverpool’s grim financial reality became starkly clear as autumn - and the walls, seemingly - closed in.


With club paying around £100,000 per day in interest by this point and the owners under pressure to reduce the club's £237m debt by £100m before July, British Airways chairman Martin Broughton had been appointed Liverpool's new independent chairman with immediate effect in April to oversee the sale of the club.

There were reportedly as many as half-a-dozen bids on the table to consider as Broughton continued to put forward the most attractive proposals from across the world but the owners’ unrealistic expectations of the price their debt-laden asset could reach prevented any of them getting off the ground.

By early September , the RBS loans were placed into its toxic-assets division, effectively meaning an extension of their refinancing plans would not be allowed by the club's creditors.


The threat of Liverpool going into administration loomed as a genuine possibility, with a deadline for repaying the loans to RBS set for Friday 15 October.

Ten days before the deadline, Hicks and Gillett attempted to remove Broughton and CEO Christian Purslow from the board after they accepted an offer from John Henry's New England Sports Ventures (NESV) and RBS took out an injunction to prevent the owners changing the makeup of the LFC board to put a stop to the proposed takeover.

With the hideous soap opera playing out before Liverpool supporters' horrified eyes, the next chapter arrived at the High Court in London, I was part of the ECHO team sent to the capital to cover events.


Ironically the first time I had ever been sent to Anfield for work was to cover the Americans’ opening press conference after their own takeover three and a half years earlier, but now my professional excitement at being part of this momentous juncture in the club’s history being significantly offset, as a lifelong matchgoing supporter, by genuine fear at how the next stage of this waking nightmare may unfold.

With the expectation being events at court would be dealt with in a couple of hours, we travelled down from Liverpool the night before the scheduled hearing at 10am on Tuesday, October 12 and were at the High Court bright and early to secure good spots both outside and inside the building.

It soon however became clear the complex legal arguments put forward by both sides would not lead to a swift resolution and the case would go into a second day, necessitating our editorial support staff having to find us hotels for a second night in London, a task not made easier by the fact England were playing at Wembley that night and a lot of hotels were full!


Eventually overnight digs were secured for us at one of the airport hotels out near Heathrow and we trooped up again to the High Court on the Wednesday morning, hopeful but anxious as to which way the imminent decision would go.

While my primary remit was to provide video coverage to supplement the copy our reporters would be filing, I did manage to gain a spot inside the court for the decisive hearing and was present to hear Mr Justice Floyd deliver the verdict all Liverpool fans were praying for.

His ruling that Hicks and Gillett had indeed, by virtue on the persistent defaulting on loan repayments, given up the right to change the board's makeup seemingly paved the way for Broughton and Co to complete the sale of the club to NESV pending a board meeting later in the day.


As soon as the ruling was made and I had fired over quotes via email - which back then in the days of on-day editions of the ECHO gave me my first-ever front page byline - I bolted down the stairs to try and get a spec in amongst the media scrum where it was expected the Liverpool board would speak to assembled press.

The massed ranks of photographers and videographers - as well as some Liverpool fans who had turned up - had grown significantly in number in the hour or so I had been inside court and I was fortunate enough to see veteran and award-winning ECHO snapper Colin Lane in a handy position near the front and snuck in next to him, despite the odd complaint from others nearby.

Needs must and all that.

Moments later, Broughton - flanked by Purslow and fellow board member and future CEO Ian Ayre - emerged, accompanied by Reds fans who had managed to get into court and were now belting out a jubilant version of You’ll Never Walk Alone.


As members of the national and international media barked questions at the Liverpool board, I somehow managed to get close to Broughton and, with a camcorder recording in one hand and my mobile phone live streaming direct into our website in the other, managed to get a brief word ‘for the ECHO’ with the Liverpool chairman who implored all concerned to ‘keep the faith’.

After getting some fans’ reactions on video while our other reporters and photographers grabbed what they needed, we headed for Euston station preparing to complete our work on the train back to Liverpool, a hectic but successful’s mornings endeavours seemingly done and dusted with the club’s future now thankfully appearing to be secure and in safe hands.

It seemed almost too good to be true.

And it was, for this saga still had a couple more chapters to play out.


Arriving at Euston, I figured I had just enough time to nip into Marks and Spencer o grab a sandwich to fortify myself after a busy morning for the video editing I still needed to do from the footage grabbed outside court.

And a combination of a big queue in Marksies and the Liverpool train inconveniently departing from the furthest away platform meant I arrived just in time to see it pulling away without me!

With a wry smile, I decamped to a nearby coffee shop and rang work to see what they could do to get me on a later train, only to discover that in fact they were about to ring me as it had emerged Liverpool were to be holding a board meeting in London that night and had I managed to make the train, I was going to be put on the next one back to London as soon as I’d arrived at Lime Street to cover the next developments.


I was told to sit tight while accommodation was found for me to spend a third night in London and information followed shortly as to how I would be spending my evening.

Prospective future owner John W.

Henry was travelling over from the States for the board meeting we had been told so I was instructed to head for the central London offices of legal firm Slaughter and May, where it was going to be held.

Thankfully this time a hotel room had been found for me much closer than Heathrow and I had just enough time to drop a bag there and freshen up before heading to Slaughter and May, insulated by some tremendous duck noodle soup for a nearby Oriental eatery and a new wooly hat prudently acquired from a shop near Euston to keep out the autumnal chill.


The scale of interest in this story/soap opera was evident as I arrived outside the offices of the legal firm, where news crews from the national and international media had already set up camp and were broadcasting regular updates.

It was an evening which gave me a new found respect for the reporters who get stationed outside training grounds on transfer deadline day and have to try to provide regular snippets of information when there aren’t any.

I arrived shortly after 7pm and around an hour later we learned that Henry had arrived but had been snuck in around the back of the building.


No-one knew how long the meeting was likely to last but by this stage there had been another development, thousands of miles away on the other side of the Atlantic.

Despite Mr Justice Floyd’s ruling that Broughton did indeed have the right to sell the club to NESV, Hicks and Gillett took out an injunction in a Texas court room to try and block any proposed sale as the RBS deadline still set for Friday of that week ticked into its final 48 hours.

It was potentially another major spanner in the works as, despite the clear stench of desperation tactics on the American owners’ part, no-one fully understood the legal ramifications and how it might effect the looming deadline.


It did at least give the assembled reporters something to talk about as we shivered outside in the mid-October evening and enabled me to get reaction to the latest news from the few dozen Liverpool fans who had again gathered outside to show support, including the kindly soul who had found the video camera bag wrenched off my shoulder in the chaos outside the High Court earlier in the day and went to the trouble of contacting the ECHO in his bid to get it back to me, which he was duly able to.

Thanks again Rashid.

Shortly before 2am, we were tipped off that the board meeting was drawing to a close and our gamble in assuming Henry would leave the way he arrived paid off as those of us who had made our way to the back entrance were able to get footage of him getting into his limo and departing.

The sun was beginning to rise by the time I finished preparing video and written content back at my hotel for Liverpool fans eager to know what had happened through the night to wake up to and, after a couple of hours shut-eye, I managed to finally get on a train back home to Lime Street.


By this stage, rumours were circulating that another offer for the club was in the offing, from hedge fund Mill Financial who were thought to have links to Hicks.

As the adrenaline of the previous few days began to fade and tiredness started to kick in, I remember a sense of dread setting in as the unthinkable prospect - with a decision over the previous night’s Texas court injunction still unresolved - of Hicks still somehow keeping his claws in my beloved club.

Surely, after all this, that couldn’t be allowed to happen?

Thankfully, round about the time I finally got home after three and half days away, Mr Justice Floyd ruled the Texas restraining order was unlawful and had no validity in England as the case “nothing to do with Texas", and Hicks and Gillette were dispatched back to court to get it removed.


The following day, the deadline for the repayment of the RBS loan, Hicks released a statement effectively conceding defeat to NESV but vowing to sue the Liverpool board for the "illegal sale" he later labelled ‘an epic swindle’ to the tune of £1bn.

I was enjoying a well-earned day off from work and following events closely on tv and social media, and don’t mind admitting a tear or two was shed when the news came through shortly after 4pm that the sale of Liverpool Football Club to NESV had been safely completed at last.

I had been lucky enough to be in Istanbul five and a half years earlier as a fan and, while the overriding emotion on this occasion was relief rather than elation, it felt no less significant as a pivotal moment in the club’s history, which everything we have seen in the decade since has only gone on to prove.

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